Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Blue Wednesday

Today we went into the city. I applied for some jobs, we came home, and now there's banana bread in the oven. This is all very exciting, I'm sure.

The creative block continues, although i forced myself to collage (see above) before giving up entirely and turning on Adult Swim. Yes, I'm watching Family Guy as i type my blog. Yes I am comfortable telling the world all this.

Dante and Cormac are collapsed, respectively, on the chair and the couch. Exhausted, no doubt, by the long day of eating and being petted and sleeping and poohing. They are the image of righteous exhaustion.

It's not fair to do one sentence a paragraph, but it makes me feel I've accomplished something.

Ok that one wasn't even a long sentence.

Chris is off biking to working out and i find it difficult to write a brief summary of my daily activities. MY daily activities which as of now do not include any gainful employment. Hence the job search.

I thought if i just hauled off to California, with my heart strong and graduate school chosen, i would somehow seamlessly become a Writer, and published at that. Mistakes were made. Errors occured. I failed my first class. Exciting, eh? And writer's block. Woo hoo. Now I'm intent on at the very least blogging every day. That? I can do.


  1. You can do it. Sometimes transitions can be rough. I know you can do it though. Much love.
